In Adjust, you can change basic qualities to the pictures you have open such as white-balance, contrast or clarity. You can also rate images, add dates and people to them for easier searching later. Tagging images takes a while to do and can be tedious, but is more convenient in the future when you need to find a certain picture. Manage allows you to tag and amend information about the photographs you import. Edit is accompanied by Manage and Adjust. Interestingly, the third Edit page is defaulted to open first. The program is split into three main sections which are tabbed at the top of the window. If not, then it shouldn't take too long to get used to them.

If you've used Corel PaintShop Pro X7 before then you'll be familiar with the controls. They're pretty small with the largest file only 135Mb. We had three selections of a KPT Collection which is a range of plug-ins, a PaintShop Scripting guide and finally Creative Content which increases your range of brushes, gradients, line styles etc. Registering the product will allow you to download some free products. That's not including the time it takes to read the Terms & Conditions. Installation took around 8 minutes after downloading from the Corel website. It's unlikely that you'll come across this problem, but if you do, there are solutions online available to follow. We also got an Error code from that and had to repair. The desktop computer we used on Windows 7 Ultimate got an error code that we couldn't fix, so we tried it on a laptop running Vista.

Installation of PaintShop Pro X7 was tricky, however this wasn't on the part of the program. Paintshop Pro X7 is available as a standard version for £59.99 or the Ultimate version (which we tested) for £79.99. In this full test, we'll be testing that performance improvement – and other features. Most importantly, Corel say that the performance has been improved which is really the only thing that has been letting the program down in the past. Featuring new tools such as Magic Fill, Shape/Text cutters and XMP support for raw files, other new or improved features include a New Image dialogue box, Drag & Drop layers and Smart Edge technology for brushes. Less than 12 months on and Corel have launched PaintShop Pro X7 - the 17th instalment of the extensive photo editing suite.